The weather this time of year changes so much it gives us whiplash! It may be clear and warm
one day, then freezing and snowing the next. The varying conditions we’ve seen throughout the
mild winter – fewer and shorter periods of freeze and more frequent thaws – means that
Vermont is seeing mud-season-like conditions throughout the winter and sooner in March than
in previous years. GMC will be working closely with Vermont Forests, Parks, and Recreation to issue official mud season trail closures later in the month, but it’s never too late to brush up on mud season hiking
practices and trail etiquette. Remember when you encounter muddy trails while hiking,
consider turning around and finding another place to hike, or please hike directly through mud
to avoid widening the trail and damaging plant life.

Mud Season Resource Links:
• GMC’s mud season guidance page
• Mud season hike recommendations
• Executive Director Mike DeBonis’ interview with NBC5 about what a mild winter and early mud season means for hikers and the club’s trail management practices
VT Digger article about how fewer winter freezes and more frequent thaws are changing mud season